Five Steps to Unlocking the Power of Inclusive Leadership


Great leaders do more than just have good technical skills and smart strategies. They connect with their team’s feelings, values, and hopes. In this session, we go through a five-step plan to help leaders create a friendly and supportive work culture. This will help improve how well the team works together, keep good employees from leaving, and improve the company’s performance using the power of storytelling. We start by exploring why it’s important for leaders to understand and connect with their team’s emotions. Then, we’ll dive into storytelling—a powerful way to build trust and teamwork. We’ll learn how to create and share stories that help everyone feel more connected and committed to their work. Key takeaways from this talk will include: Understanding why connecting with your team’s emotions is good for everyone; Learning how to create and share stories that build trust and respect; Getting practical tips on using storytelling to form deeper connections with team members. By practicing inclusive leadership, leaders can do more than just boost the company’s success. They can create a positive work environment that inspires everyone to do their best.


Jevon Wooden
CEO, BrightMind Consulting Group, Texas, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Organizational Diversity


Empathetic Leadership, Inclusive Leadership, Equality, Performance