Factors That Matter: Ensuring Success and Retention for Diverse Online Scholars


As online education becomes increasingly prevalent, understanding critical factors influencing the retention and success of diverse online students in higher education is paramount. This research delves into this pressing issue through a comprehensive examination of various factors that impact the journey of students from diverse backgrounds in higher education online learning environments. This study aims to understand diverse online students’ multifaceted challenges and opportunities in a mixed-method, qualitative and quantitative approach. Quantitative analysis involves examining retention data and identifying student persistence and progress trends. Qualitative methods, such as interviews and surveys, explore the lived experiences of diverse online students, shedding light on their unique needs, perceptions, and strategies for success. Critical factors explored in this research include socio-economic status, cultural background, access to college readiness support, engagement strategies, and faculty roles in facilitating student success. This study analyzes these factors and determine their influence on retention rates and academic achievement in online higher education settings. The findings of this research may yield actionable insights for all educational stakeholders. By gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by diverse online students and the support structures that can enhance their educational experiences, institutions can develop targeted interventions to improve retention rates and foster academic success among a broad spectrum of students. Ultimately, this research contributes to the ongoing discourse surrounding online education, promoting inclusivity and equity in higher education by addressing the specific needs of diverse online learners.


Leila Romeo
Student, Doctoral Student, Abilene Christian University, Texas, United States

J. Scott Self
Vice Provost, Dallas Campus, Abilene Christian University, Texas, United States

Jennifer Butcher
Vice President of Intercultural Engagement and Belonging, Abilene Christian University Dallas, Texas, United States

Sandra Cleveland
Associate Professor, NRSG, Abilene Christian University, Michigan, United States

Jesiah Brock
YMCA of Greater Cincinnati

Cicely Ward
Student, Doctoral Student, Abilene Christian University, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Online Education, College Readiness, Higher Education, Retention, Diversity, Inclusivity, Intervention