Inclusive Pedagogy for Virtual Learning Communities: Exploring the Dimensions of Individual Learning Differences


The researchers investigate how inclusive pedagogy can effectively address individual learning differences in virtual learning communities. Their commitment to this endeavor is driven by the conviction that fostering inclusion and a sense of belonging is pivotal for nurturing academically successful students and well-rounded individuals in today’s digital learning landscape. The researchers believe this pursuit is a fundamental requirement for the comprehensive development of learners. This study identifies practical, evidence-based strategies educators and institutions can readily implement to support equity and inclusion for students using online learning platforms. The researchers use a multifaceted approach, combining research, educational experts’ insights, and survey data. This approach enables the researchers to identify areas where the institution needs to focus its efforts and strategies to provide a better understanding of the challenges and risks associated with serving individual learning differences in virtual communities. The researchers use this data to develop strategies that will help higher education institutions address the needs of both students and faculty while improving student learning outcomes. We share these in the workshop. Inclusive education fosters a more empathetic and collaborative society by preparing learners to interact effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds in virtual learning environments. Recognizing and accommodating diverse learning needs can create a more equitable and inclusive learning environment for students online. This helps ensure that all students can access the resources and support needed to succeed while reducing feelings of isolation and creating a sense of community among students.


Tara Franklin
Student, Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership, Abilene Christian University, Texas, United States

Sandra Cleveland
Associate Professor, NRSG, Abilene Christian University, Michigan, United States

Jennifer Butcher
Vice President of Intercultural Engagement and Belonging, Abilene Christian University Dallas, Texas, United States

Tina Patterson
Student, Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership, Abilene Christian University, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Inclusive Education, Virtual Learning Communities, Learning Differences, Equity and Accessibility