You Can Sit with Us : A Fresh Approach to Creating More Inclusivity and Belonging


What’s possible for us if we were to create a world where everyone feels included and that they belong? What role do we have as individuals to be part of creating that vision? In a world that’s changing faster than ever, and at a time when we see greater separation and challenges, the is now for us to understand and commit to being part of the change. Creating inclusive environments take intentionality and awareness; belonging asks us to examine the ways we’ve been told we don’t belong. When paired together, we create an experience that leads participants through their own inner journey coupled with clear, direct steps towards creating a more and inclusive world. Inclusion and belonging aren’t difficult concepts to understand and yet, we see slow progress in creating a world aligned to these values. Too often we expect someone else to do this important work, dismissing our own personal power and responsibility. In this workshop, participants will learn a new and simple way to create a world that works and includes all. Participants will walk away feeling empowered to be the change and have actionable steps to take right away.


Annie Kuensting
Founder & CEO, Beacon Empowerment Strategies, Georgia, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Identity and Belonging


Inclusion, Belonging, Leadership, Self Leadership, Mindfulness, Self Awareness, Empowerment, Alignment