One Thing to Make a Small Difference


Positive classroom experiences form a pivotal aspect of students’ access to equitable learning and leading to retention and success. Faculty do acknowledge the importance of innovative strategies; however, due to their teaching loads often lack the time to implement such strategies. Often, simple things that make a major difference are not thought of as leading to success. We encouraged faculty to implement One Small Thing to Make a Difference in their classrooms. After faculty attended a three-day summer institute on “Equity Drivers to Make a Difference”, they were asked to select one ‘small’ thing they would incorporate in their classes during fall and assess its impact. This ranged from establishing connections with students, using resources at the institution, and other simple strategies. Faculty had to submit what their one thing would be. They implemented it during fall and at the end of fall submitted a short report on the impact it had on their students. We share data and invite conversation on faculty response, one thing that was implemented, faculty reflections, qualitative and quantitative data on students’ responses.


Girija Nagaswami
Professional Learning Coordinator, Academic and Student Success, Community College of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Ilze Nix
Professorr, Psychology, Community College of Philadelphia, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Equitable, Learning, Access, Professional development