Empowering Voices: Communication Strategies for Racial Equity


This paper delves into the outcomes of a participatory research initiative conducted in collaboration with a Canadian non-profit organization committed to tackling issues related to anti-Black racism and workplace challenges through strategic public relations campaigns. The research aims to enhance our understanding of communication practices tailored to the needs of racialized communities. Preliminary findings reveal that these practices encompass various elements, including physical space utilization, proximity strategies, community event organization, and the creation of engaged multilingual media content. The study explores how these practices empower non-profit organizations (NPOs) to expand their reach, empower individuals, and amplify member voices on racial inequality in the public sphere. NPOs play a pivotal role as agents of change, mobilizing community members, fostering empowerment at both individual and collective levels, and promoting diverse and authentic voices. This collaborative research endeavors to shed light on the unique communication practices employed by Black communities to address racial inequality. It underscores the crucial role of NPOs as catalysts for change, enabling these communities to assert their voices, champion diversity, and shape public discourse. To fulfill research objectives, a qualitative and interpretative methodology was adopted. It involved immersing within the organizations’ contexts, observing practices, interactions, and internal culture. Data collection methods included questionnaires for communication officers, group interviews, semi-structured individual interviews, and ethnographic observation during NPO communication events. Overall, this research sheds light on vital communication strategies in addressing racial inequality, emphasizing the role of NPOs as facilitators of positive change in marginalized communities.


Pascale Caidor
Professor, Communication, Université de Montréal, Quebec, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Organizational Diversity