Unleashing Performance: Inclusive Performance Management for Neurodiversity


In the session we delve into the nuances of biases—specifically recency, affinity, and confirmation bias—that play into performance reviews. These biases may disproportionately affect neurodiverse individuals and skew performance assessments. We explore neurodiversity, its workplace implications, and how managers can effectively lead neurodiverse individuals by understanding and accommodating their unique needs. We also discuss strategies for overcoming biases and modifying the performance review process to create an inclusive, fair, and comprehensive system. This session will underscore the business case for embracing neurodiversity and mitigating biases in performance management, advocating for an approach that is beneficial to both the company and its diverse workforce.


Caitlin Collins
Organizational Psychologist, Program Strategy Director, Customer Success, Betterworks, Ohio, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Organizational Diversity


Performance enablement, Inclusion, Neurodiversity, Coaching, Biases