Epistemology and Social Work - Emergence of Subjects in Gore Capitalism: Intersubjectivities in the Modern West


The political, social, economic and cultural transformations experienced in the modern, globalized, and capitalist society, in the West, they have led us to processes of metamorphosis in the context-subject relationship. These transformations materialized by the various forms of violence have required epistemic and paradigmatic changes that force us to question ourselves as social work professionals, namely: what is the object of intervention? What is the perspective of social work professionals? of today? What epistemology underlies contemporary professional practice? Do we recognize the emergence of new subjects as a profession? The aforementioned questions will be guides for the exposition of our theme: Epistemology and Social Work: emergence of subjects in gore capitalism. The objective of our writing is to reflect on the socioeconomic and sociocultural transformations that current society has experienced in the process of (re) articulating a new space (context) of struggle that operates as a battlefield, where the body (subject) it acquires a calculable and commercial value that operates to generate the ideal conditions for the emergence of new subjects nuanced by gore capitalism. Requiring before itself, an introspection from the profession of Social Work to know and explain the emergence of new subjects from the complexity and plurality as a result of social, political, economic, and cultural rearticulations.


Coral Cordov Marrero
Social Work, University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Campus, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Organizational Diversity


Epistemology gory capitalism subject endriago violence