Case Study Morning - Lisbon's Urban Community Projects, with a focus on Socio-Environmental Changes.

Included in the Conference Registration, but please book your spot via Special Events

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In-Person conference delegates are invited to the case study morning. We will visit the healthy, resilient, sustainable city of Lisbon through participatory urban community projects, with a focus on socio-environmental changes. We will see different areas with the pilot project for the co-production of public spaces with the community of the neighborhood of Lisbon.

Born with the support of several partners and entities focused on regeneration that already has three years of experience, we will learn about work and community fellowship, the origin of food, its nutrients, seasonality and life cycle, about resources present in nature and the need to protect them, a valuable lessons for a life in balance with what and who surrounds us!

Date: 5th of July 2024

Time: 9:10 AM (Bus Pick Up)

Duration: 4 hours

Price: Complimentary to all in-person delegates, but requires sign-up

Meeting Point: Lusiada University

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