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Ana Rita Verças, Lusiada University, Portugal

Students as the Co-creators of the Sustainability Curriculum: Design and Development Process of an Introductory Module on Climate Change, Social Justice and Sustainability View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
M. Mahruf C. Shohel  

This paper presents the outcomes of a curriculum investigation project, awarded a prestigious British Curriculum Forum (BCF) Curriculum Investigation Grant by the British Education Research Association (BERA). The research project focuses on the design and development of an introductory module addressing critical themes of climate change, social justice, and sustainability. The authors share their experience in designing and developing an introductory module (undergraduate Level 4) on climate change, social justice, and sustainability. This project is based on a pioneering approach that empowers students as co-creators of the curriculum, giving them a central role in shaping their learning experiences. Utilising mixed methods, the study employs an innovative curriculum design and development process by granting students a voice and ownership in shaping their learning opportunities. This paper illustrates how this collaborative approach influences students' perceptions, attitudes, and engagement with the module design and development process. It also examines whether involving students as co-creators fosters a deeper understanding of complex concepts, increased motivation, and a stronger commitment to sustainability principles. The implications of this research are significant for educational practitioners and policymakers. By emphasising the transformative potential of involving students as co-creators in their own learning experiences, this paper highlights the importance of pedagogical approaches that foster active engagement with complex global challenges to promote changes in local actions. Furthermore, it sheds light on the potential for curricular innovation to drive behavioural change not only at the individual level but also within broader communities.

Navigating Worlds of Difference: The Role of Educators in Fostering Inclusive Learning Communities

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Ganga Vadhavkar  

In today's globalized and interconnected world, diversity stands as a cornerstone of education, shaping the experiences of both educators and learners alike. This research explores the multifaceted dimensions of diversity within educational settings, examining its profound impact on teaching and learning processes across diverse cultural, social, and linguistic contexts. Through a comprehensive review of literature and empirical studies, this research elucidates the complex interplay between diversity and educational outcomes, highlighting the significance of inclusive pedagogical approaches in fostering equitable learning environments. Furthermore, it delves into the challenges and opportunities presented by diversity, including issues of cultural competence, linguistic diversity, and socio-economic disparities, and explores strategies for promoting intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect among students and educators. By shedding light on the intricate dynamics of diversity in education, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the role of educators in fostering inclusive learning communities that celebrate difference and empower learners to thrive in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.

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