Higher Education in Rural Areas: A Contrasted Quality Amongst Colombia, Brazil, and Mexico


It is a fundamental right of humanity to receive education in any context, relevant, and of quality, a duty that every government must uphold. This research to intent comparing how the quality formation of rural higher education has been structured in Colombia, Brazil, and Mexico. It highlights the characteristics, evolution, problems, and methodologies; particularly, stressing in the milestones of education, starting from the rural context, justification, and objectives. In this sense, it has been intending to know the relationship between rural space, and educational quality in these countries. Thus, a detailed theoretical framework is developed with the main technical literature authors and events to respond to the reason for rural education support in cited countries. Methodologically, we have examined the plurality, and diversity of social and political environments that have contributed to the improvement of educational cycles, to reach partial results involving the main author’s contribution about organizations, and university institutions aligned to the characteristics of rurality. In this regard, qualitative and quantitative research methods have been applied, supported by comparison techniques, together with the elements that formalize the documentary gathering process. Likewise, to reach a better understanding of the differences between among countries, a comparison is made of the regulations applied by each Ministry of Higher Education, emphasizing on laws, decrees, and resolutions that mediate in the consolidation of their own learning approaches. It concludes with a referential analysis of the challenge faced by rural education during the pandemic period.


Javier Carlos Saenz
Student, Doctorado, Universidad Europea Americana, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Richard De Jesus Gil Herrera


Presentation Type

Ponencia temática de un trabajo


Educación y aprendizaje en un mundo de diferencias


Training, Education, Rurality, Learning, Standards, Region, Government, Innovation, Technology, Development.