Enhancing Belongingness in Online Education: Taking the Distance Out of Distance Learning


Live Zoom Session June 3rd at 12 PM CST - Link: https://zoom.us/j/97305082274?pwd=c0xLdkJVUGpnMk5DUnk0UGZydWE0Zz09 As demand for online higher education expands, creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where diverse learners thrive is an essential first step to inclusion. In this interactive workshop, an online doctoral educator and an academic program director explore scenarios based in real-world examples to provide an inclusive framework for online higher education settings. The recent global pandemic has expanded distance education without increasing professional development around best practices for inclusion online. For international multilingual students and new citizens, online educational opportunities represent a powerful academic modality that transcends location.


Laurel Walsh
Core Faculty, College of Education, Walden University, Minnesota, United States

Tiffany Hamilton
Program Director, The Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership, Walden University, Minnesota, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Online Inclusion, Diversity and Distance Education, Belongingness, Andragogy