Now More Than Ever: Diversity and the Need to Cultivate Cross-cultural Leadership and Collaboration


This paper revisits a 2014 book chapter (Diversity and the Need for Cross-Cultural Leadership and Collaboration) in which the authors argued cross-cultural leadership.and collaboration no longer is an option but an obligation, in all corporate and educational settings. The earlier work examined ongoing areas of insensitivity and focused on practices and policies individuals and organizations needed to develop in order to accommodate diversity, and maintain it. Despite this clear roadmap and continued calls for diversity in all sectors of US society, we argue now organizations have paid a great deal of lip service to diversity but haven’t followed through with the reorganization and practices necessary to accommodate diversity. In fact, we argue diversity has suffered in the Trump era, and even greater effort is needed now as a result. Certainly, international student interest in studying in the US has waned, and since interaction across culture both requires and invigorates diverse learning and working environments, the decline in international student enrollment may be a precursor to darker days ahead, since international students not only diversify the intellectual climate of college campuses and work places, they also contribute about $45 billion annually to the US economy – almost three times as much as the National Football League. Business and Education leaders must make diversity actionable in their organizations, and that requires both the admission and action that the organization is not optimally diverse.


Kenneth Roth
Research Associate, CHOICES PROJECT/GE&IS, UCLA, California, United States

Zack Ritter
Associate Dean of Students, Student Affairs, Cal State Dominguez Hills, California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Organizational Diversity


Diversity, Higher Education, Multiculturalism, Cross-Culture, Organizational Change