Impulsive Diversity in Higher Education: Advancing Diverse Critical Analysis and Cultural Literacy in U.S. Classrooms


University-level students must utilize diversity as a means to improve their critical and cultural literacy skills. U.S. students rank much lower than students from other countries in reading literacy, which in turn leads pupils to lack critical thinking skills. This study focuses on embracing diversity toward advancing critical analysis and cultural literacy through innovative and challenging instruction in courses over a period of two years. In addition to improving their reading comprehension and critical thinking skills, students reported to have increased their interest in reading as a result of enhancing diversity of analysis as well as advanced cultural literacy.


Murali Venugopalan
Director, International Grants and Partnerships, Kennesaw State University, Georgia, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Diversity, Literature, Critical, Analysis, Cultural, Literacy, Higher, Education, United, States