Ethical Leadership Through Inclusive Decision Making and Diversified Perspectives


EDM is an ethical decision-making framework or set of cutting-edge codes an individual may use to guide behavior when making tough decisions within a global society. In this workshop, participants will gather insight on a variety of perspectives and approaches to decision-making and share ideas about applications in their area of leadership practice. The experience will provide an opportunity to develop an ethical decision-making framework for making sound decisions. This workshop contributes to conversation of ethical-decision making. The challenges of ethical decision making and leading by example are compounded by diverse information from different perspectives. Numerous scholars have studied ethics and found that leaders’ actions strongly impact followers’ interpretation of the topic, as well as their behavior. It is imperative that leaders display honest conduct, thus promoting an ethical work environment. The interactive workshop provides participants an opportunity to actively learn through real-life scenarios individually and in small or large group settings. The format quickly allows participants to take ownership in defining decision-making skills that emerge at individual and group levels. Real world scenarios will be presented to garner participants practice and interaction. The scenarios will challenge participants to think in a highly interactive format whereby allowing for active discussion and debate. Debriefing by facilitators following group interactions will provide participants an opportunity to enhance their perspective on ethical decision-making. Time will be allocated for personal reflection as to how EDM is applicable in the participants discipline for building their leadership style based on a model of fairness and trust.


Shanna Flecha
Student, PhD Doctoral Candidate, Southeastern University, Florida, United States

Violet Taylor
Student, Doctorate, Southeastern University, United States

Jennifer Elmore
Student, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Southeastern University, Florida, United States

Sherrita Denson
Student, Strategic Leadership, Southeastern University, Florida, United States

Patricia A. Clary
PhD Organizational Leadership, Jannetides College of Business & Entrepreneurial Leadership, Southeastern University, Arkansas, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Ethical, Decision-Making, Global, Framework, Diversity, Equitable, Leadership, Personal, Reflection, Fair