Culturally Responsive Interventions to Increase Educational Equity for Somali Refugee Students in Green Bay Wisconsin: Incorporating Community Services Agency and United ReSisters Projects into Schools and Promoting an Alternative Narrative


Incorporating Somali community organizations and Somali-focused projects into Wisconsin’s public school districts is imperative in promoting educational equity with a trauma-sensitive lens for the East African Refugee population currently residing in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The local school district, through collaboration with COMSA (Community Services Agency), a refugee-focused non-profit organization, and utilization of “The First Winter,” a memoir published by twelve young Somali refugee women in Green Bay, creates space for Somali students to find their voice, assists with social emotional learning, promotes positive academic growth, and diversifies curriculum, attempting to close district achievement gaps.


Katherine Stockman
Co Founder/ Board Member, Refugee Service Agency, COMSA


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Learner, Diversity, Inclusive, Education, Language, Learning