Climate Change and Glacier Melt in California


This research explores the critical issue of glacier melt and its serious effects on our planet. It examines the causes behind glacier melting, such as global warming and human activities like burning fossil fuels. This study emphasizes the serious consequences of glacier melt, including rising sea levels, disrupted weather patterns, and threats to ecosystems and communities in California. It highlights the urgency of addressing this issue through collective action, advocating for measures to reduce our carbon footprint and promote longevity. Ultimately, it emphasizes the importance of understanding and minimizing glacier melt to protect the future of our environment.


Zeneida Parente Alves Neta
Professor, Language and Arts, West Los Angeles, California, United States

Danelle Meeks
Student, Health Science, West Los Angeles College, California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Assessing Impacts in Diverse Ecosystems


Climate Change, Glacier Melting, California