Impact and Response to Wildfires: The Case Study of Serra da Estrela


Climate change has led to an increase in natural disasters. This paper analyzes the case study of a Portuguese territory called Serra da Estrela. Climate change is causing seasons to become warmer and drier in Serra da Estrela which combined to the land cover, typical of Portuguese territories, as increased the risk of wildfires (OECD, 2023). Almost every year, wildfires ravage this mountainous territory and represent a growing threat to its people, property, and natural resources. The impacts and responses to these phenomena are analyzed having in mind its natural and cultural heritage, the creation of traumas, and the survival of the territory ecosystems. The paper explores ways and solutions to fight against existent obstacles and challenges to resist wildfires, but also focuses on ways to achieve sustainable management of the territory’s natural habitats, promoting its development potential. It highlights the importance of establishing fire-resistant communities and mobilizing local citizens to prevent, and better respond to future wildfires.


Ana Margarida Cruz Da Silva
Researcher, Intercultural Studies, Center for Intercultural Studies, ISCAP-P.PORTO, Portugal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Human Impacts and Responsibility


Climate Change, Wildfires, Natural Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Trauma, Resistance