Wildfires and Healthcare: Mitigation and Adaptation of Delivery Systems in the Anthropocene


Wildfires have the ability to negatively impact the health of our communities and place significant strain on healthcare systems. In this work, we discuss the adverse effects of wildfire smoke on multiple organ systems, with many of these impacts remaining incompletely understood and warranting further investigation. Additionally, we discuss how the appearance of megafires, like those seen in Lahaina and Paradise, can largely be attributed to the historical management of wildfires with excessive fire suppression and an increasingly hot and dry climate. In order to protect public health and create resilient healthcare infrastructure, it is imperative health systems take an active role in the management and prevention of wildfires. Therefore, the final section of this work is focused on discussing the unique set of challenges wildfires present for healthcare systems and proposing climate adaptation and mitigation strategies for healthcare delivery.


Jacob Wood
Student, MD, Indiana University School of Medicine and University of Utah School of Medicine, Indiana, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Responding to a Climate Emergency: Purpose Driven Organizations for a Sustainable Future


Wildfire, Wildfires, Healthcare, Sustainability, Mitigation, Climate