Cascading Multi-Risks for Urban Green Infrastructure: An Analysis Methodology


More frequent and intense drought and heat events imply increasing multi-risks for urban green infrastructure (UGI) and their ecosystem services (ES). Given the significance of UGI towards urban resilience and climate adaptation, analyzing these cascading multi-risks is needed for evaluating the situation and taking adequate action in planning and managing UGI. Therefore, this research operationalizes the Drought and Heat Risk Assessment (DHR) Framework through a set of indicators, and determines the risk for selected ES. Urban parks, creeks and ponds are examined with their high ES potential and vulnerability of certain ES to droughts and heat such as the regulation of air quality and temperature, and providing an experiential interaction with nature. First, a multi-layer approach is applied to translate elements and processes of the biophysical risk system composed of the hazards, exposure, and cascading vulnerabilities into an information system. This information system is represented by layers of descriptors, attributes and indicators. Subsequently, a lane-based approach interrelates indicators based on their common attributes and highlights the key indicators. Using the attributes of the drought and heat hazards, the vulnerability indicators are linked with the hazards to derive risk indicators. The derived risk indicators enable calculating the risks cascading from the UGI biophysical entities towards the ES. An example is provided of the drought and heat risks for the ES of an urban park in Plauen, Germany with its spatiotemporal dimensions. The risk analysis determines the risks and hotspots for decision makers to evaluate, and if necessary, implement risk-reduction alternatives.


Raghid Shehayeb
Doctoral Researcher, Dresden Leibniz Graduate School, Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, Sachsen, Germany


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Assessing Impacts in Diverse Ecosystems


Drought, Heat, Climate Adaptation, Urban Green Infrastructure, Ecosystem Services