Towards a Multidimensional Knowledge Management for Purpose-driven Institutions and Research Centers


How to promote both interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary knowledge in science in sustainability-related curriculum? Without a standardized teaching and learning approach, it is difficult to track to what extent scientific skills and knowledge are properly addressing complex sustainability problems. Applied science and systems thinking (combined) are amongst the growing higher education methods to promote organized learning thoughts and mixed disciples of sciences in tackling intricate real-world problems such as climate change, and sustainable development. Sustainability-related disciplines often affiliates to the systems thinking approach in teaching, however – there are other pedagogy methods which remain underutilized, and perhaps with possible improvements to improve contemporary sustainability studies. To make this case, this study proposes multidisciplinary pedagogy approaches for multidisciplinary practices. Multidimensional knowledge management at the moment remains to be a preliminary framework, with a perceived gap in this research to define its possible benefits and usefulness for research-driven centres, and to drive innovation successfully in purpose-driven institutions. No sustainability practitioner should be left behind – in terms of scientific performance, to this perspective – multidimensional knowledge management can pave a meaningful pedagogy approach.


Ariel Toh
Researcher, Sustainability, Marcharh Initiative Centre for Sustainable Solutions, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2024 Special Focus—Responding to a Climate Emergency: Purpose Driven Organizations for a Sustainable Future


Multidimensional, Multidisciplinary, Purpose driven, Research