Imaginary, Ethical and Aesthetic Relations of Young People's Climate Storytelling


It is relationally oriented facets of young people’s affective and social mobilizations that wedge open alternatives to hegemonic environmental and climate discourses. Beyond dominant media representation of youth as either lacking or as autonomous rational actors, it is the more the more tentative, sensuous, imaginary and interdependent aspects of their experiences and work that defy homogenization. The Inherited podcast is an example of youth media that complicates ways of approaching youth climate activism. My interest in valuing grassroots storytelling approaches devised by young people suggest that they offer insights into ways of conceptualizing and researching young people’s activist work attuned to their specific experiences and expressive practices, staying close to vibrant minor gestures of care and justice as they consider the major threats of the climate crisis.


Susan Driver
Associate Professor, Communication and Media, York University, Ontario, Canada