Entity-level Greenhouse Gas Inventory: A Road to Emission Reduction and Climate Change Mitigation in the Municipality of Victoria, Oriental Mindoro


The increase in temperature due to the enhanced greenhouse effect has been the dominant cause of observed global warming and climate change. Anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are the culprit of said global warming, (IPCC. 2014). Estimating the GHG emission is the first step towards mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and attaining carbon neutrality in the country. Section 14 of the Philippine Climate Change Act (PCCA) requires the LGUs to formulate, plan and implement a Local Climate Change Action Plan (LCCAP). GHG inventory is an essential component of this plan. As a response to the PCCA, a quantification of an entity-level GHG emission at the local government unit (LGU) of Victoria has been conducted. The study utilized the prescribed Philippine Climate Change Commission methodology on GHG inventory for LGUs. The LGU has a total GHG emission of 700.19 t CO2e, with 2022 as the base year. The total direct emission from mobile and stationary combustion is 429.92 CO2e while their solid waste emission is 149.73 CO2e. On the other hand, the total indirect emission from purchased electricity is 120.54 CO2e. Results show that the largest emission of the municipality came from mobile and stationary combustion accounting for 61.4% of the total emission. The result will serve as the baseline data of the LGU in the annual quantification through which they could comprehend and compare. This supports better planning for mitigation options that the LGUs can implement. Specific mitigation measures are recommended.


Wilma B. Cledera- De Los Santos
Assistant Professor, Environmental Science Department, Mindoro State University, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Responding to a Climate Emergency: Purpose Driven Organizations for a Sustainable Future


Entity-level Greenhouse Gas Inventory, Emission Reduction, Climate Change Mitigation