Climate Change and Needed Innovations : History of Humankind


This research starts off examining our roots and connections to the animal kingdom with evolutionary ties going into Darwin’s Theory of “survival of the fittest”. We examine how Darwin’s theory had a huge impact on Eugenics and also led to inspiration in World War 2. We go into examination of the Industrial Revolution and discuss the limitations on technological advances and why mass amounts of energy in an economy can be detrimental to the planet. We discuss the Anpothrocene and human impact on the natural world going into evidence of the 6th Extinction. We discuss rainforest deforestation, limitations on advancing AI and global impacts as countries in poverty become more industrialized. The impacts of Big Pharma on Indigenous tribes and communities and the extinction of Key Stone Species. Lastly we discuss environmental solutions, current sustainability efforts and go into law and policy and Green Movement, what needs to be done, what is being done. We go into the biological processes of this advancement as well as the chemical breakdowns on a micro level to examine what global impacts have on current weather patterns.


Emmy Cumbo
Field Marketing, Sales, Trinity Solar, New Jersey, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Human Impacts and Responsibility


Climate Change, Sustainability, Environmental Law And Policy, Ocean Acidification, Weather