Sustainable Building Law – the Legal Issues Abound: Once a Construction Plan Is Developed, Liability of Parties Must Be Considered


Green Building and Sustainable Development help fight climate change, and protects the ozone, animal habitats, air quality, and ground water. The myriad of reasons to go Green has multiplied to the point that a developer that is building a ground-up or renovating/retrofitting a property has a plethora of choices to get to the green goal post. Sustainability not only affects the bottom line, but satisfies corporate mandates (ESG), consumer demand, market requirements, and the many laws dictating green building practices. The good news is that there are many paths a property owner can take to become green. The bad news is that although there are many paths a property owner can take to become green, they need to choose which direction to take that limits their liabilty. Certification of a building used to be the highest achievement in the Green building world. Now there are so many variables and laws with which a property owner must comply, and the legal analysis has mushroomed. Operation and Maintenance have also become one of the most important functions for a prudent Green Building owner. So adding to the “development/retrofit” parties involved in the sustainable building legal world, we now need to include all those people who keep the building green, and there are a lot of them!


Richard Sobelsohn
Professor of Practice, Adjunct Professor of Law, LEED AP, GGP, Real Estate, Brooklyn Law School, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


2024 Special Focus—Responding to a Climate Emergency: Purpose Driven Organizations for a Sustainable Future


Sustainable, Development, Liability, Certification, Compliance, Operations, Maintenance, Green, Building