Aftermath of Delhi Floods 2024: Revisited Listening Post Disaster


In July- August 2023, Delhi faced massive floods with people displaced and lives disrupted through the flood plains and the developed central Delhi. My paper examines the aftermath of a climate disaster by inspecting the field recordings taken in the areas affected the most and least by the floods. The paper takes into account Pierre Bourdieu’s definition of field to examine the sites affected. Though soundscape analysis and listening in post disaster affected areas, the societal relationships are redefined in terms of power, hierarchy, aid and its future attention for development. The field recordings recorded in August 2023 are assessed and analysed in order to form a narrative of post disaster. The study aims to encourage “revisited listening” on sites impacted by climate disasters and connects the association between climate change, aid institutions, political discern and communities affected by the disaster. The conclusions of the research observe how different site and people relationships integrate and disintegrate after different types of disasters.


Samedha Arora
Student, Masters, Aalto University, Etelä-Suomen lääni, Finland


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technical, Political, and Social Responses


Soundscape, Field, Recording, Listening, Revisted-Listening, Aftermath, Post-Disaster