A Comparative Study of Refugee Management: Investigating the Roles and Responses of the EU and SAARC in the European and South Asian Refugee Crises


This research analyzes the similarities and differences in the regional cooperation systems of the European Union (EU) and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) concerning the refugee crises in Europe and South Asia, respectively. The study employs a comparative approach to explain why refugee management in South Asia has failed by investigating the nature of multilateral cooperation within the EU and SAARC. The focus lies on the policies and legal frameworks proposed by these international regional cooperation organizations in response to the refugee crises in both regions. These regions are compared based on population structure, types of refugees (violence, religious conflict, ethnic cleansing), proximity to neighboring countries, porous (close) borders, complex sub-regional relationships, and intra-regional geopolitical relations. Previous research has largely overlooked the role of SAARC as a regional cooperation organization. This comparative study is significant for understanding the limitations of regional cooperation and potential improvements in South Asia. The refugee issue in South Asia is unstable, and these refugees live without proper legal mechanisms to ensure their basic rights. While the EU has an extensive legal framework and institutions to manage the refugees in its region, the SAARC lacks any legal policy to ensure the rights of refugees. Hence, this comparative research may provide critical insights into how the EU and SAARC deal with refugee crises and suggest ways to improve refugee management in South Asia.


Jasmine Gnanam John
Student, Interdisciplinary Course on Diaspora Studies, Chonnam National University, Jeonranamdo [Chollanam-do], South Korea


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technical, Political, and Social Responses


Refugee Management, SAARC, EU, Regional Politics, Frameworks