The Power of Climate Crisis on the Purpose-Driven Organizations for a Sustainable Future


The purpose-driven approach offers more than just a novel way of doing business. It provides a blueprint for building a more inclusive, equitable system. This purpose-driven approach comes with challenges. But these challenges also present opportunities. Purpose-driven organizations can pioneer new models by finding innovative ways to overcome these obstacles. Doing so proves it’s possible to marry profits with purpose and business success with societal progress. It is aligning the interests of various stakeholders, helping climate crisis and ensuring sustainability initiatives for the future. In this context, the research question is: How do organizations pursue their purpose successfully for a Sustainable Future and help the climate crisis? The methodology is the case study—the research analysis of five case studies. Four companies (IBM, Timberland, Alaska Airlines, CVS Pharmacy) and one non-profit organization (United Way Worldwide) purpose-drivers are responding to a climate crisis with their purpose-driven organizations. As an outcome and findings, organizations can play a crucial role by putting purpose at the core of their strategies.


Claudia Ribeiro Pereira Nunes
Student, PhD, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Pedro Diaz Peralta
Visiting Fellow, Yale School of the Environment - Michelle L. Bell´s Research Group, Yale University, United States