The Ultimate Solution to Climate Change


After conducting a lifetime of studies and research worldwide, I discovered that the current government system was never updated or modernized. This is why the government cannot solve poverty, violent crimes, terrorism, economic recession, rising prison population, government debts/budget deficits, and most importantly, climate change. By converting the current Police Response to a Prevention System, with no exception, all of the above problems can be solved without raising taxes. To solve problems, government leaders can only use three strategies: Raising Taxes, Implementing Budget Cuts, and combining both. Unless poverty and violence are prevented, the number of undocumented immigrants will continue in the United States of America, Western European countries, etc. With the Police Prevention System I developed, Vehicular Traffic Congestion worldwide can be easily reduced. In the United States alone, the government can prevent highway deaths in the thousands. The financial benefits for the government are approximately $1.3 trillion and save 40,000 lives annually. It will also prevent gun violence instead of a gun control strategy dividing the American people, which has proven not to work. This POLICE PREVENTION SYSTEM will also work in Europe, Australia, Asia, Canada, South/Latin American Countries, etc. With this development, I became proficient in designing specific solutions for various cities, states, and countries. I have designed advanced solutions to reduce government debts/budget deficits for the US, Europe (UK, Italy, Australia, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, and Canada). These are without raising taxes, plus lower corporate and individual taxes.


Daniel Ver
President & CEO, Canter, Inc., Nevada, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Technical, Political, and Social Responses