Advancing Climate Action through Standards


Standards and guidelines can be powerful resources for professionals, practitioners, and governments in designing and implementing sustainable and climate-resilient solutions. By standardizing best practices, National Standards of Canada can streamline and harmonize the field of climate resilience while playing an integral role in improving the overall health and safety of Canadians, and of their environment. The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is leading the development of climate-resilient standards that can be implemented to adapt communities to climate change and extreme natural events. The Standard to Support Resilience of Infrastructure Program (SSRIP) has been working since 2016 to advance, through standardization, the resilience of Canadian infrastructure. This is achieved through collaboration with communities, standards development organizations, and experts from across the country to support the development of standards that consider climate change impacts in infrastructure planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance. This paper provides an overview of SSRIP and its work to boost the resilience of Canadian infrastructure through the revision of existing standards with climate resilience in mind. Flood protection, asset strengthening, and nature-based solutions are key focus areas for the program.


Adamou Saidou
Sector Specialist - Infrastructure and Climate Change, Strategy and Stakeholder Engagement, Standards Council of Canada, Ontario, Canada

Yuna Song
Sector Specialist - Infrastructure and Climate Change, Standardization Services Branch, Standards Council of Canada, Ontario, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technical, Political, and Social Responses


Climate resilience, Standards, Infrastructure, Regulation, Climate adaptation