Thirty-six years into Our Common Future


Authored by Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, Our Common Future is an “alarm” for future generations. The Brundtland Report was released by the World Environment and Development Commission (WCED) gives a subtle idea of sustainable development and ways forward to achieve it. The report which was sponsored by the United Nations scrutinized the reasons behind environmental degradation. The major highlight of the report is that it inter-connects Social Justice, Environmental Issues, and Economic Growth. The connection between the three aspects connected with scientific facts rings a bell that Climate Change is real and it is happening, even though you notice it or not.This paper reflects why, 36 years after the 1987 Brundtland Report was published by the World Commission on the Environment and Development, the world, and particularly developing countries, are still on an unsustainable path towards development. Like a model, The Brundtland report persuaded the international community to integrate environmental concerns into their creation by the Brundtland Commission but concluded that it was not relevant, from the point of view of certain ethical standards for implementation, how this incorporation could be planned. Recognizing that successful conservation of the environment is a feature of environmental ethics, the road to sustainable sustainability for humanity will return to a breathtaking natural environment.


Ashwin Gupta
Student, LL.M., Kyushu University, Japan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Human Impacts and Responsibility


Environment, Sustainable Development, United Nations, Developing Countries