What NGOs Can Learn from Big Tech : From Tech Founder to Activist, My Story and How We Can borrow Better from Tech Giants


Dax Dasilva - founder and former CEO of Lightspeed - kicks off by introducing his story, and why he gave up a multi-million pound company to focus on climate activism and funding boots on the ground projects, in countries like Peru, Canada, the Congo, and in international waters. Dax focuses on what he learned during his transition to becoming a full-time activist, what he’s borrowed from big tech – such as scaling, utilising open data and effectively incubating companies – and how NGOs and climate alliances can use these lessons too, to maximise their impact. The session serves an open set Q&A, where researchers, activists, students and scientists can discuss and share their insights into scaling operations to help protect waterways and other environments.


Kat Daly
CEO/Founder, Conservation, Age of Union, Quebec, Canada


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Human Impacts and Responsibility


Scaling, Technology, Activism