Human Needs and Contemporary Productions: A Study in Climate Change Perspective


The basic source of food is the sun and earth which are freely available. A human needs only sowing and somewhere watering to grow food and remaining all processes automatically. These processes are natural so cannot destroy the natural climate but the world’s climate is changing alarmingly toward destruction. This study investigates the reasons behind destructive change. Besides natural production, presently, human beings have increasing focus on junk foods, chemical flavours, factory drinks, speedy vehicles, huge buildings, multiple but vacant houses, costly ornaments, gold, diamonds, and deadly weapons. Contemporary literature is analyzed with a qualitative approach. We explore how human beings are destroying the global climate due to the production of factory/laboratory items which can be substituted for natural items which will enhance the sustainability and productivity of climate for a progressive global climate based on educational and policy guidance. We discuss how living preferences can be changed towards more organic and natural approaches.


Syed Aftab Alam
Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies/Religious Studies, Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Human Impacts and Responsibility


Living, Needs, Food, Love, Factories, Productions, Climate, Change, Sustainable, Climate