Are Policy Makers Responding to Climate Change? : Considering the Gap between Science and Decision Makers


It is said that governments and policymakers are not responding properly to climate change crisis but as climate science has advanced, technology has done it by responding to climate change mitigation. However, the social and economic response, and especially decision-makers acts, has not had the same evolution. Why is that happening? One of the reasons is answered by the gap between knowledge and action which is perhaps understandable with an approach to difficulties and limitations that decision-makers have in dealing with uncertainties that science cannot yet confirm. This will ensure the key points where science should facilitate to help decision-makers be more accurate when confronting the situation. On the other hand, it will be necessary to understand the decoupling of science and policy that clarifies the relationship between the IPCC and COP summits. The foregoing will allow us to see a glimpse that there is a gap to close in order to address the challenges posed by Climate Change with greater solidity from a scientific basis.


Maria Camila GutiƩrrez
Professor, Law and International Relations, UAX, Madrid, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technical, Political, and Social Responses


Policymakers, Climate science, IPCC, Conference of Parties