How Do the Risks of Climate Change Affect the Livelihood of Haor Areas of Bangladesh?: A Study on Hakaluki Haor


Risks must be addressed in the haor region of Bangladesh in order to meet the challenges posed by climate change. This study identifies the risks of climate change in the haor area of Bangladesh, especially in Hakaluki Haor, as well as the damage that the haor area is facing due to climate change. It is critical to determine how climate change risks affect the people of Hakaluki Haor and, ultimately, how they affect the livelihood of Bangladesh’s quality of life. The results of this research will help to understand the impact of climate change on the different wetlands of Bangladesh. In-depth interviews were conducted with 30 residents of Hakaluki Haor to identify the risks of climate change. Journal articles, books, research materials, and internet databases were consulted as secondary data sources. Then the data were subjected to thematic analysis. According to this study, climate change increases the risk of floods, thunderstorms, hailstorms, and heavy rainfall during the monsoon season. These climate risks can cause crop damage, reduced livestock rearing as a source of income, and higher rates of starvation, child marriage, and maternal mortality in the Hakaluki Haor region. This study provides evidence that climate change creates humanitarian disasters in the Haor area of Bangladesh.


Md Amdadul Haque
Assistant Professor, Political Studies, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet zila, Bangladesh


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Assessing Impacts in Diverse Ecosystems


Haor, Hakaluki Haor, Climate Change Risk, Bangladesh