Intertwined Human Rights and Environmental Rights of Refugees Bangladesh Legal Context


The linkages between human rights and environmental rights have become issues of vigorous debate and become particularly relevant as issues of refugees and climate-displaced people present emergent challenges in the face of climate change. In recent days, the frequency of extreme weather events and other factors are causing large-scale human migration, intensifying resource scarcity, particularly in developing countries. However, international laws relating to human rights have not yet included climate-displaced people in the definition of a refugee. Bangladesh which is the 9th most vulnerable country due to climate change has sheltered about 880,000 Rohingya refugees in the world’s largest and most densely populated refugee camp (Kutupalong). The Constitution of Bangladesh as well as the national laws have shielded the human rights and environmental rights of the citizens. However, in tackling vulnerabilities and establishing human rights as well as environmental rights of refugees, and climate-displaced people, Bangladesh has a long way to go.


Fatema Jahan Sharna
Judge, Law and Justice Division, 3rd Additional District and Sessions Judge Court, Kishoreganj zila, Bangladesh


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Human Impacts and Responsibility


Human Rights, Environmental Rights, CDPs, Refugees, Bangladesh Legal context