Effects of Climate Change on the Environment: Issues in Nakuru County


Kenya’s development ambitions, as outlined in Vision 2030, are being threatened by one of the most significant obstacles: climate change. According to estimates, Kenya will likely be even more impacted by climate-related catastrophes in the future. Extreme occurrences and weather variability are increasingly commonplace in many countries. For example, rainfall is unpredictable and erratic; some areas suffer from numerous droughts throughout the long rainy season, while others suffer from devastating floods during the brief rains. The lives of millions of households and their social and economic activities are put at danger because the dry and semi-arid regions are particularly badly struck by these climate hazards. This investigation project examines how climate change has affected the environment in Nakuru County, Kenya, where regular reports in local, national, and worldwide news indicate that increased dangers are a result of climate variability. Our study’s goals include identifying the difficulties caused by climate change in the Nakuru county environment, determining how those obstacles affect Nakuru’s environment and identifying climate change remedies. The research’s technique is a combination of primary data collection using online surveys and secondary data gathering because we will need to access some key data from online web pages. The research methodology we chose was a descriptive research design since we strongly believe that not much is known about the topic or problem, and we have made it our mission to provide adequate information about the research topic. We had a 91.67% response rate from the chosen samples in the results.


Linas Nayebare
Student, International Business Administration, United States International University- Africa, Kenya


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Responding to the Climate Emergency: Scalable Solutions for the Climate-Nature Intersect