The Paris Agreement Policy Dynamics and Implementation Dilemma in Africa


Today, the world faces its most significant environmental problems: deforestation, air pollution, climate change, species extinction, and soil degradation increase yearly. To counter the deteriorating climate, the international community has adopted various international regimes, including the Paris Agreement, to fight climate change. Adopted in 2015 and aimed at climate mitigation, adaptation, and finance, the Agreement provides, among others, a policy framework and technical and investment support for the emissions-reduction efforts to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate. As of September 2022, 193 states have ratified or acceded to the Agreement, including China and the United States, the countries with the 1st and 2nd largest CO2 emissions among UNFCC members. How has Africa performed on the Paris Agreement policy dynamics? Using interpretive research, the presentation will discuss the continent’s implementation dilemma on the Paris Agreement, given the numerous and multifaceted problems compounded by the growing appetite for energy, Agenda 2030, and poverty. Besides using secondary data from various publications, the study addresses the technical, political, and social aspects associated with the policy dynamics and implementation of the Paris Agreement in Africa. The investigation adds to the glaring knowledge gap on global climate policy negotiations and bargaining at the international, continental, and national levels. The results contribute to the UN SDGs: (1) no poverty, (7) affordable and clean energy, (8) decent work and economic growth, (9) industry, innovation, and infrastructure, (11) sustainable cities and communities, (13) climate action, (17) partnerships to achieve the goal.


James Mawanda
Executive Director, Research and Development, African Forum for International Relations in Research & Development (AFIRRD), Uganda


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Technical, Political, and Social Responses