The Powers in the Geography of Waste and Climate Change: Red Lacre and University of São Paulo Interfaces


Climate change is related to several factors, such as greenhouse gas emissions. Although the main source of greenhouse gas emissions is the burning of fossil fuels, other sources need to be considered. Organic matter and inert materials discarded as waste (e.g., food scraps and plastics) — can become aggravating the greenhouse effect. Red Lacre emerged from the articulation of recyclable material collectors’ movements in 17 Latin American countries. The municipality of São Paulo (MSP) – Brazil is one of the central points of Red Lacre. The MSP and the University of São Paulo (USP) in particular, through the search for the management of their municipal solid waste (MSW), interrelate with Red Lacre members by supporting waste pickers. Therefore, analyzing Red Lacre and its interfaces with the MSP, the university, as well as the city, leads to an international dimension of MSW management, with emphasis on waste pickers . Hence, the following question is defined: what are the actors that USP articulates when promoting the management of its MSW in the MSP? Given the statement presented, the summary aims to answer the question presented. The methods used for the development of the research are: to collect and research bibliographic bases and quantitative and qualitative data in secondary sources on Red Lacre, in the management of MSW, such as: emission of gases, treatment and disposal; and verify through documentary research the participation of Red Lacre and USP in the management of MSW.


Luciana Ziglio
post doctoral, IAG/IEE/USPSusten-SGA, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technical, Political, and Social Responses