The Emergence of the Democratic Republic of the Congo at the Heart of Creating a Healthy and Sustainable World


The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has long been attested as a country with high natural resources with reserves deemed capable of creating a healthy and sustainable world. The description of the DRC is enough to prove the importance of this country in the heart of Africa, as Frantz Fanon had revealed by saying: “Africa has the shape of a revolver whose trigger is in the Congo”. This situation makes the DRC the place from which the devastating detonations of all of Africa risk departing. However, Africa’s slowdown in development reflects disruptions, including a slowing global economy and political crises. With the world’s largest free trade area and a market of 1.2 billion people, the continent can be able to create a whole new development path, harnessing the potential of its resources and people. The big challenge is that the DRC has not been able to develop with all its great natural resources as the country is globally placed among the poorest. This work aims to develop approaches that respond to the challenges of resource-based development in the DRC. The methodology approach of the comparative case study was used in order to provide effective findings. For instance, the growing global demand for minerals such as coltan puts the DRC in a better position to benefit from such a global environment. But the DRC currently has many challenges to overcome in order to be on the path of development and before undertaking more in-depth investigations.


Jacob Masiala Ngoy
Co-founder, Chemical Engineering, MME Chem, Gauteng, South Africa


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Technical, Political, and Social Responses


Emergence, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Health, Sustainable, World