Politics of Inclusion, Exclusion, and Responses in Climate Change Adaptation and Transformation: Lessons from Gwanda Rural Youth in Zimbabwe


Climate change has an intense impact on rural farming. Economic activities, food security, health, and quality of life have been compromised. Rural livelihoods are threatened by frequent climate changes because rural people depend on natural resources. This paper argues that impacts and responses, however, are not homogenous across population age groups and time, with more emphasis on youth as they are expected to sustainably take care of their natural resource base. Literature specifically related to how climate change directly affects rural youth farmers and their response to climate change is scarce. Youth in rural areas are omitted from climate justice advocacy for enhanced and sustainable rural livelihoods. This omission of youth advocating sustainable adaptation has seen many rural youth engaging in disastrous and uncontrolled artisanal small-scale mining, which has in turn tended to be a maladaptive strategy, further deteriorating livelihoods. The study is empirical in nature and is based on a mixed methodology. Data was collected from 55 youthful farmers, 2 focus group discussions, and 8 key informants. The results of the study illustrate that youthful farmers believe that farming is for the older generation and it is time-consuming. The political economy (exclusion and inclusion) of Gwanda has seen youthful farmers opting for artisanal small-scale gold mining. Instead of upgrading livelihoods and uplifting their communities, this activity tends to further wane the livelihoods of Gwanda’s youthful farmers. Recommendations on inclusive climate change advocacy are suggested if sustainable adaptation and transformation are to be realized in rural areas.


Vuyisile Precious Moyo
Student, Ph.D., Stellenbosch University, Western Cape, South Africa

Peter Uledi
Student, PhD , Stellenbosch University, Western Cape, South Africa


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technical, Political, and Social Responses


Climate Change,Adaptation,Transformation,Maladaptation,Political Economy,Youthful Farmers