Bio-Char Sequestration in Mine Backfill as a Route to Net-zero Carbon Emissions


Over 90% of world GDP is now covered by net zero commitments; a total of 153 countries have put forward new 2030 emission targets (NDCs). The Glasgow Climate Pact accelerated the drumbeat and puts in place the underpinning rules and systems. Climate change is a global challenge, requiring global collective action. This paper presents a series of recommendations to sequester bio-produced Carbon into available ground space using existing industrial processes, to move towards a net-zero Carbon emission position. We present a scientific and engineering jigsaw representing technologies and industries that creates a wider system of systems, that fit together to produce an easy and economic Carbon sequestration solution. A series of jigsaw pieces is proposed to complete a new, innovative process of Carbon sequestration using mine backfill as a vehicle, that is able to progress the commitments that have been made towards net-Carbon zero emissions.


Richard Maguire
Director, RS2A Limited, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technical, Political, and Social Responses


Sequestration; Backfill; Biochar