Innovation in Climate Responses from the South: Experiences, Challenges and Insights in Building Climate Action Capacity in Chile


The Climate emergency requires new approaches, thinking out of the accustomed schemes. Experiences from the South can offer useful insights on how to innovate in Climate action. This study concentrates on the case of Chile: the COP Presidency has allowed interesting development in technical, social and governance conditions of climate action and, while the social unrest in 2019 has prevented the COP to be celebrated in the country, it has also set the stage for a constitutional process which for the first time in history acknowledged the climate and ecological emergency as a frame for the political-constitutional debate. We cover recent developments in building climate action capacity in Chile, offering insights on best practices and challenges for the community at large. It is sponsored by the Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2 with guest participation of the Center for Climate Action and the Center for Global Change. We focus on: 1) existing gaps and opportunities for climate governance, under the lens of the Climate Governance of the Elements framework; 2) a critical assessment of the proposed climate change framework law and the opportunities and challenges it entails for climate action; 3) experiences in participatory co-construction of local adaptation and governance options at the municipal level; 4) experiences and opportunities for regional level climate action and the role of climate refuges, insights from the Patagonia; 5) a possible governance framework for the monitoring and evaluation of climate adaptation, insights from the CBIT Chile project.


Roxana Bórquez
Post-doctoral Researcher, Governance and Science-Policy Interface, Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2, Chile

Ariel Muñoz

Pilar Moraga

Rodolfo Sapiains
Professor, Psychology, Universidad de Chile, Magallanes, Chile

Cristian Henriquez
Professor, Institute of Geography, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile

Marco Billi
Researcher, Governance and Science-Policy Interface, Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2, Chile


Presentation Type



2022 Special Focus - Responding to Climate Change as Emergency: Governing the Climate Emergency


Just climate action, Territorial Governance, Chilean constitution, Territory, Adaptation, Risk