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Applied Skills for Climate Change Solutions: Grant Writing, Geographical Information System, and Stakeholders Engagement

Denise Keele,  Jonathan Berkey,  Neal Samuel Eash,  Forbes Walker,  Michelle McCauley,  Michel Gueldry,  Kyle Burnett  

Six experts examine pragmatic and tested approaches for addressing climate change. Together, they bring instruments and hope for change that address the seemingly prevalent deadlock. Jonathan Berkey (President, International School-to-School Partnerships) is a non-profit and international development manager. He brings his expertise on grant writing strategies for CC projects, and how to approach donors and foundations. Kyle Burnett (Middlebury Institute) specializes in ocean and coastal resource management. He introduces Geographical Information Systems programs, data sources, and the power of visual software and specialized maps for communication and action. He discusses his field applications and lessons learned in Ireland. Dr. Forbes Walker and Dr. Neal Eash teach engineering and soil science at the TN Institute of Agriculture, Knoxville, TN. They mobilize their experience with agricultural communities to help farmers manage droughts, floods, and soil chemistry, without raising the divisive notion of climate change. Dr. Michelle McCauley, Professor of Psychology (Middlebury College), shares her team's field experience with various stakeholders. She discusses narrative strategies for overcoming the divide between climate change advocates and skeptics, and to get Liberals and Conservatives to work together. Finally, Dr. Denise Keel proposes “ten tips for effective grass-roots advocacy.” A professor of Political Science and Environmental and Sustainability Studies at Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo), she draws on her own and her students’ engagement with local officials to show that citizen-based advocacy is an effective and powerful way to communicate with decision-makers and elected representatives about climate change solutions.

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