The Current State of Student and Trainee-operated Health Science Journals and Their Publishing Practices and Policies: Initial Findings of a Scoping Review


The authors conducted this modified scoping review in order to create a comprehensive overview of existing student or trainee operated medical or health science journals published internationally. The titles are analyzed for their publishing practices and policies in order to provide a comprehensive overview of their overall quality and publishing models. Using a modified methodological guidance from the Joanna Briggs Institute, a Scoping Review was conducted to identify existing journals in the medical or health sciences fields that are at least partially operated by or publish research authored by health science or medical students or trainees. Student-run health science journals were identified by searching a variety of indices using comprehensive search strategies developed using predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Indices searched included The Directory of Open Access Journals, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic and the National Library of Medicine Catalog. Gray literature searching for additional publications was conducted on a variety of additional sources including advanced Google Search Engine searches, Web of Science conference proceedings, and backward and forward citation searching of any similar existing research. Identified journals were screened by authors to ensure they fit our predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria and were analyzed using a Journal Evaluation Tool published by Loyola Marymount University. Select data collected from this tool related to these journals’ publishing policies and practices was extracted and analyzed.


Benjamin Saracco
Associate Professor in the Library, Rowan University Libraries and Cooper Medical School, Rowan University, New Jersey, United States

Shilpa Rele
Rowan University

Amanda Adams
Librarian, CMSRU Library, Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, New Jersey, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Social History and Impacts


Student-led Publishing, Scholarly Communications, Scholarly Publishing Studies, Student Medical Journals