Cyberdelic Arts: Utopia, Spirituality and Aesthetics


This paper discusses the Cyberdelic movement in its history and contemporary aesthetic expression. Rooted in ideologies emerging from the 70ies counterculture and consolidated through the technological breakthroughs of the 90ies, Cyberdelic philosophies and artistic expression search for a utopia based on consciousness exploration fuelled by hybridization of information technologies, psychedelics, and human transcendence. The body of work produced by the affiliates of this movement is found through multiple media such as literature, graphic design, video games, and music. I present examples of Cyberdelic art and the value that it has for the participants in the movement. I explore the symbols and representations that are exchanged between Cyberdelic affiliates and unveil the meaning and inspiration that led them to pursue and consolidate such a subculture.


Tancredi Marrone
Student, M.A., Masaryk University Brno, Jihomoravsky kraj, Czech Republic


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


New Media, Technology and the Arts


Cyberdelic, Art, Psychedelics, Counterculture, Religion, Media