Investigating the Similarites of Bahman Mohasses' Artworks to Pablo Picasso in Terms of Genre, Technique, and Theme


The comparative study of artists has long been the basis for the analysis of various aspects of their lives. Specialists in various fields, including history and philosophy of art, psychology, culture and literature, sociology and even political science, each of them have sought to understand unknown aspects in them with articles on the works, styles, approaches and thoughts of artists. Considering the influence of Pablo Picasso on the art works of Bahman Mohasses (known as one of the most important contemporary artists of Iran who has made a type of revolution in the modern art within the country), the similarities between their artworks have been investigated. The main focus has been devoted to the work periods, formal, content and concept evaluations to have a better understanding about their works. They both have seven work periods. Both Picasso and Mohasses have remarkable experience in different genres, while they are both mnemonic with careful observation. Similar colors, similar subjects e.g. humans, archetypes of sculpture, and myth are noticeable in the artwork of both of them. In the case of analysis, the most important similar concepts are sadness, objection, lost feeling, mystery, originality and nostalgia, portrayal of violence, hidden bitter humor and innocence.


Parnaz Goodarzparvari
Phd candidate, Faculty of Art, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

Miguel Molina Alarcon
Universitat Politècnica de València


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life