How to Sustain a Life of Hikikomori: Research on the Hikikomori Person who Lives with the Friends at the La Borde Clinic


The presenter is a person who has experienced Hikikomori. One of the problems of the Hikikomori persons is how to sustain their lives while respecting their lifestyles. This study focuses on that theme. The presenter conducted fieldwork at the La Borde Clinic, a psychiatric facility in France. And, the presenter met a patient who lives like a Hikikomori, but with his friends. He is engaged in creative activities there. Through a survey of his life to date and his current life, the presenters consider the relationships and environments that sustain a life of Hikikomori.


Hiroki Fujitani
part-time teacher, School of Global Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University, Japan


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2024 Special Focus—-Art for Sustenance


Hikikomori, Life Style, Psychiatry, Relationship, Cohabitation