Returning to Self: Arts and Creativity in Everydayness of Becoming


In my multimodal presentation, I share a collection of writing fragments, poems, photographs, piano improvisations, and videos to explore my lived experiences of be(com)ing an a/r/tographer as a pianist, teacher, and educational researcher. By sharing my ongoing a/r/tographical journey, I discuss how I am learning to (re)discover the quiet moments of creativity in my life and the ways in which they inform, shape, and inspire my teaching praxis. In the spirit of centring the arts in teaching, learning, and research, my work is rendered through the lens of evocative qualitative inquiry. My intention and hope in sharing my everydayness as a pianist-teacher-researcher is to explore and evoke possibilities for creating more meaningful teaching and learning experiences through the arts and invite further conversations about embracing artistic practices as a pedagogical way of (re)turning to the creative self.


Jeeyeon Ryu
Interim Associate Dean (General Education) , Education, Yorkville University, New Brunswick, Canada


Presentation Type

Creative Practice Showcase


Pedagogies of the Arts


Arts-informed pedagogies; A/r/tography; Creativity; Poetic Inquiry; Reflexivity; Teacher praxis