(Be)coming Home: A Community-based Art Project


(Be)coming Home is an art project at the Branscombe House in Richmond, Canada. It aims to create an interactive mixed-media installation that fosters communities among marginalized groups, offering a sense of belonging and care. The title has a dual meaning: “Becoming Home” signifies the artist’s personal journey of finding belonging as a queer immigrant from China; “Coming Home” shows an invitation to the public to engage with the project at the Branscombe House, finding a sense of home. For example, local community members are invited to participate as collaborators to tell their definitions of home and co-create the installation through various activities, aiming to a public sense of an inclusive, shared, and caring community for Richmond residents and visitors. This paper not only showcases the artwork and the art-making process, but more importantly demonstrates the diverse meanings of home and how the concept of home can be reconstructed.


Peisen Ding
Student, Ph.D., The University of British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada


Presentation Type

Creative Practice Showcase


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Home, Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion, Community-based Art